• 56 Alexandra Street

    The Memorial Hall was conceived as 'The Soldiers Amelioration Club by Mayor William Windeyer and Alderman Dr Robertson in 1919 [...]

  • 54 Alexandra Street

    This timber and stone building on the corner of Ady Street, stands on part of the land held by Charles [...]

  • 76 Alexandra Street

    The house is believed to have been constructed for Charles Metcalfe prior to 1912 together with neighbouring 72 and 78 [...]

  • 80 Alexandra Street

    This house is one of Hunters Hill's most striking examples of early 20th century homes. A large two-storey roughcast dwelling [...]

  • 33 Alexandra Street

    Original bakery built c1867 destroyed by fire and replaced by the existing structure. Sands Directory 1875 lists John Lagleyze (Lagleize) [...]

  • 43 Alexandra Street

    Land purchased by Matilda, wife of Charles A. Johnston, salesman of Hunters Hill in 1916. 1920 Rate Book lists house [...]

  • 70 Alexandra Street

    Built on part of the Foss lands, stonemason Ponziano Cavalli purchased this land from Antonio Bondietti in 1867. It is [...]

  • 74 Alexandra Street

    The house was built around 1903 for Stephen H. Weedon and designed by Kent and Budden, Architects (see also 16 [...]

  • 37 Alexandra Street

    John Cuneo from Genoa (see also 35 Alexandra Street and 1-3 Foss Street) an importer of statuary into Sydney, purchased [...]